Of Poetry and Peace

It’s been a long time

Since I’ve written any poetry,

Which is a shame,

‘Cos it’s really good for me.

It helps me clarify

And articulate

All the thoughts

That I’ve had of late.

Otherwise they

Hang around

And generate noise,

Not a beautiful sound.

They echo

And reverberate

Inside my head

And make me faint.

Far better then

That they’re released

On paper

Or the Internet

That I may regain

My peace.

The Bullfrog and the Butterfly


My conscious mind

Is a butterfly

It flits from thought to thought

Sometimes it flits when it should be asleep:

There’s a lesson it must be taught.


My bigger mind’s a bullfrog

It sits deep within the dark damp soil

There, it prefers the peace and quiet and still

It spurns the temptation to endless, fruitless toil.


The butterfly thinks this

The butterfly think that

It thinks of things that must be done

Like Christmas Cards and Tax.

It thinks of things at 4am

When the bullfrog thinks, “Be quiet!”

The bullfrog opens wide his mouth,

And smiles,

“I’ll quell its thinking riot!”


“My great long tongue…

…will stop his fun,”

The bullfrog yawns with glee.

And thus the butterfly meets its end

In a bullfrog’s vast tummy.



Or does it?

Now, I have butterflies in my tummy!



Poem: Negotiation with the Voices in My Head

A Negotiation

With the Voices in My Head

As I lay here

Wide Awake

In bed.


“Hey Voices, we’ve got 4 hours ‘til I must arise…

“While I resolutely close my eyes,

“Would you all kindly go back to sleep?”

“No!” they say.

Why am I not surprised?


“Hey Party Crowd in my head,

“I’ve got 3 hours ‘til I must leave this bed;

“Would you quieten down so I can sleep?”

“No!” they cry… as the seconds slowly creep.


“Hey Noisy Bunch, you’re such a pest,

“There’s just 2 hours left for me to rest;

“Would you be silent and let me snore?”

“No!” They shout, “You’ll sleep no more!”


Then, with just an hour to go…

“Hey Rowdy Rabble, who drives this bus?”

“Well, it can’t be you, it must be us!

“You have no power over your thoughts

“So we’ll keep you away from the rest you’ve sought!”


With ten minutes to go…

“Hey inconsiderate tenants in my attic

“It sounds as if you’re no longer at it.”

“Shhhh!” they say, “We’re settled down

“Turn out the lights…

“Get out of town!”


I am alarmed.

I was so…

I was so…

…looking forward
……to my bath
A rare
Time aside
Of late
My thoughts
Have not been good companions.

They gang together
Aghast ganglia
Finding fault
Not a word of comfort
Or encouragement.

I take
From the fact
Many a time
I have switched off
My computer
On a whim
At my will
With a flick
Of my fingertips.

I know where
The switch is.
I can
Turn me off.

Such is power.

I pissed
In your bathwater.
I downgraded
Your Valentine’s
Card + Present.
I have crucified
My love for you
With Christ.
You no longer
Live to me.
The life
You live
In your aging body
You can live
By faith
In someone else.


In Vitro

Or at least

In vitrious china!

It is finished

Poem: Stardust’s Declaration

From Stardust and the Breath of God I am made;

And to dust my body will return;

But now is the time for me to shine,

Like the star I am, and burn gloriously, burn.

Love lavished upon love

Light radiating upon light;

Broadcasting “Peace” to all I meet;

As I banish all that’s night.

The Sleeper has awakened

The Kingdom’s time is now

Passion with actions congruent

As my life reveals the how.

My body is a temple

Of my spirit sure within

And all that is not of God

Is banished at my skin.

Sickness and disease

Cannot enter into these courts;

My sanctuary is sacred,

Renewed through healing thoughts.

Releasing words that match my mediation

Through them all good sustained;

As all that would harm passes away

God-within-me shall remain.

I am a star, I am God’s breath

‘Tis time to rise and shine

And with this life, I fear not death

For the spark within’s Divine.